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                                                                                     “Compassion should
        At St Mary’s we recognise the importance of maintaining regular contact with parents.
        We do so in the following ways:                                                 be our animating
                                                                                             principle when
        • Reports are issued at Christmas and in  • An information evening is also held when
          Summer and also after Pre-Junior and  students are progressing from Junior      instruction with
          Pre-Leaving Certificate Examinations.  to Senior cycle to assist them in their
                                             choice of Leaving Certificate subjects.  children , since they
        • Year Heads monitor the academic
          progress and wellbeing of all the girls in  • The Board of Management at St   are made in God’s
          their year group.                  Mary’s has two parent-nominated                           image”.
        • Parents may visit the school and speak
          to school staff by appointment.   • St Mary’s Parents Association enables  Catherine McAuley Sisters of Mercy
                                             parents to contribute actively to the life
        • Each year group has an Annual Parent –
          Teacher meeting.                   of the school.
                                            • Parents are welcome to attend events
        • Parents may be contacted if there are
          concerns regarding attendance, school  which take place during the year, such
          work or behaviour.                 as the Annual Musical, School Matches
                                             and Christmas Carol Service.
        • Open Night allows parents and     • Transition Year students and their parents
          prospective pupils to visit the school and
          acquire information and advice about  attend Transition Year Evening in May.
          subject choice and school in general.  • For Sixth Year students the highlight of
                                             the school year is the Graduation Mass.
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