Page 10 - BING XII 3.7 SONG1 - LKPD1
P. 10

ENGL  ISH XII KD. 3.7  -  W h a t ’ s     I n   a   s o n g ?

                      3.  Which of the followings best describe the message of the song?
                           You can choose more that one answer
                           A.  You must go away from my life
                           B.  You can come back if you want
                           C.  I don’t want to be with you anymore
                           D.  We can fix the mess we’ve made
                           E.  I hate you because you’ve hurt me

                      Read the lyrics “For The Rest Of My Life” in Activity 7 again to answer questions 4
                      and 5.

                      4.  What is the moral message of the song?
                          A.  To express gratitude for the blessing of good wife
                          B.  To show that someone who hurts you needs blessing
                          C.  To praise the couples who have eternal relationship
                          D.  To regret the decision of marrying someone
                          E.  To state how singing can make you love eternally

                      5.  What does the singer promised to do to his wife?
                          You can choose more than one answer
                          A.  To be with her the rest of his life
                          B.  To keep some secret words
                          C.  To show strengths and honesty
                          D.  To be honest and truthful forever
                          E.  To love her now and forever

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