Page 8 - BING XII 3.7 SONG1 - LKPD1
P. 8

ENGL  ISH XII KD. 3.7  -  W h a t ’ s     I n   a   s o n g ?

                      Activity 7
                      The following is one of Maher Zain’s hits, “For The Rest My Life”.
                      Listen to the song to complete the lyrics.

                                                         For The Rest of My Life
                                                              Maher Zain

                       I praise Allah for (1)__________  me you my love      I feel so (10)__________ when I think of you
                       You found me home and (2)_________ with me     And I ask Allah to bless all we do
                       And I'm here with you                          You're my (11)_______ and my friend and my
                       Now let me let you know                        (12)__________

                       You've opened my (3)_______                    And I pray we're together in Janah
                       I was always thinking that love was (4) ________
                       But everything was changed when you came along   Now I find myself I feel so (13)_______
                       Ohohoh….                                       Everything has changed when you came along
                       And there's a (5)_________ of words I want to say   Ohohoh…..
                                                                      And there's a couple of words I want to say
                       For the rest of my life
                       I'll be with you                               I know it deep in my heart
                       I'll stay by your side (6)_________ and (7)_______
                       Till the end of my time                        Now that you're here
                       I'll be loving you. loving you                 In front of me I strongly feel love
                                                                      And I have no (14)__________
                       For the rest of my life                        And I'm singing loud that I'll love you (15)_______
                       (8)___________ days and nights
                       I'll thank Allah for opening my (9)_______
                       Now and forever I, I'll be there for you
                       I know it deep in my heart

                      You can watch the video below and check your answers!

   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10