Page 127 - The Intentional Parent
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 child is overactive or hyperactive. Is he taking medication for anything? Children frequently have sinus infections or allergies. Some medications can really "wire" a child, so please check this out first. Next, what about his routine? Does he still nap during the day? Some three-year-olds need a nap, and some don't. If he's napping during the day, he might be recharging his batteries so that he can stay up and party all night. Try skipping the afternoon nap and see if he conks out a bit earlier at night. Third, try moving his bedtime up to about nine or nine-thirty. Allow him to stay up, but require that he sit or lie down on the couch and do something that is more passive—no horse playing or jumping around. While he is up, don't fuss over him or pay too much attention to him. Go about your own business as well as you can. At nine or nine-thirty begin your going-to-sleep routine.
Prepare by saying that it is time to get ready for bed. Settle him in a calm, soothing voice. A very wise physician, Dr. Hugh Riordan founder of the Center for Improved Human Functioning in Kansas, once told me that if you lightly rub the crown of a child's head clockwise it will make him very relaxed. I don't know if there is any medical basis for this, but many parents tell me it works! Talk a bit about what will be happening tomorrow. After story time is over, say that you would like to spend a few minutes just sitting and relaxing without talking. The key to success is in producing this same routine over and over.
The period between the ages of three and four can be very challenging with regard to putting kids to sleep. A lot is going on physically and intellectually. Children first begin reporting their dreams at about three years old, and this can be confusing. By the way, if your son is old enough to climb out of the crib, it is time that you begin making plans to put him in a "big boy's bed."
The Intentional Parent by Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D. 127

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