Page 140 - The Intentional Parent
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bribe him to go on the potty, because he will think that going on the potty is something to do for someone else, not for himself. Be supportive, but don't light off any fireworks when he finally goes. Going to the bathroom on the potty is an act of etiquette that people who live in a civilized society perform. It's no great shakes—unless you make it out to be. In time, the whole issue will become pretty boring, and he will think of more creative ways of driving you crazy. You will then wish for the days when all you had to worry about was potty training!
The issue of how the media influences our children has never been as important as it is today, and it will continue to be even more important in the near future. For one thing, there is a greater variety of media to influence our kids: print, radio, tape, live television, recorded television, video, movies, computer and video games, compact discs— the list goes on and on. And these forms of media are becoming more complex, more interactive, and more pervasive. We once worried about television because it was passive and hypnotic; now we can worry about it because it is interactive and hyper-real. We once worried about media because it could be so subtle and suggestive.
Now we are concerned that it is explicit and leaves nothing to the imagination. Then there are the issues of sex and violence on the screen. Is it a good idea to let children watch a sex scene? Will it hurt children to see people being blown to bits, beheaded, or axe-murdered? Now they can even participate in the violence when they play video games. What does that do to them? These questions reflect the concerns parents have about television and
The Intentional Parent by Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D. 140