Page 214 - The Intentional Parent
P. 214

You, your kids and your parenting and caregiving relationship are all part of a chain or interactions that move, evolve and change through the lifespan. You have no choice but to learn from one another, but the key principle is that you don’t always have to learn “the hard way.” Oh, there will be times when the learning is tough. I would not want to mislead you into thinking it won’t be from time to time. That would be setting you up for failure.
I hope you think of this book as the beginning of a helping relationship. Come to and keep learning through the tools and extras in our community. Technology gives us tools to share knowledge—like podcasts, webinars and community talk boards.
Keep learning from me. Learn from one another. Just learn! Best
Dr. Peter
Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D.
About the Author:
Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D. (Dr. Peter) is a psychologist, author, educator and program designer who began his practice in 1987. He does a lot of his work through the court system teaching programs like parenting, civility, divorced parenting and anger management. He is the author of fifteen books on a range of topics. He started his writing as a “traditional brick and mortar”
 The Intentional Parent by Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D. 214

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