Page 90 - demo
P. 90

Power Management

                                Alarms                                                        Wakelocks

              Implemented in the Linux kernel                                 Prevents an Android system from
                 and is visible to the app developer                               entering into sleep mode
                 through the AlarmManager in the

                 RunTime core libraries                                        These locks are requested through
                                                                                   the API whenever an application
              Is implemented in the kernel so                                     requires one of the managed

                 that an alarm can trigger even if                                 peripherals to remain powered on
                 the system is in sleep mode

                       this allows the system to go                           An application can hold one of
                          into sleep mode, saving                                  the following wakelocks:

                          power, even though there is                                    Full_Wake_Lock
                          a process that requires a                                      Partial_Wake_Lock
                          wake up
                                                                                         Screen_Dim_Wake_Lock
                                                                                         Screen_Bright_Wake_Lock
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