Page 91 - demo
P. 91


                                                                             OS design considerations for
           Operating system objectives and                                     multiprocessor and multicore

              functions                                                      Microsoft Windows overview
               User/computer interface                                      Traditional Unix systems
               Resource manager                                                 History/description

           Evolution of operating systems                                   Modern Unix systems

               Serial processing                                                System V Release 4 (SVR4)
               Simple/multiprogrammed/time-                                     BSD
                   sharing batch systems                                         Solaris 10

           Major achievements                                               Linux
           Developments leading to modern                                       History

              operating systems                                                  Modular structure
           Fault tolerance                                                      Kernel components

               Fundamental concepts                                         Android

               Faults                                                           Software/system architecture
               OS mechanisms                                                    Activities
                                                                                 Power management
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