Page 4 - Luh Karuniasih_2012021042_E-book-PBA
P. 4

A. Introduction
                       1.  Short Description
                          In this teaching material, we are going to discuss the expressions or ways to say
                          the time correctly as well as the way to asking the time. Literally, there are two
                          ways to tell time, namely British and American styles. In British style, the minutes
                          are pronounced first followed by the hours. For example, 08.25 is read as twenty-
                          five past eight, twenty-five is the minute, and eight is the hour. Besides that, in
                          British style there are also several rules in saying the time, namely: saying the
                          15th minute with the word “Quarter”, saying the 30th minute with the word
                          “Half” or rather “Half past”, saying the first 30 minutes with the word “Past”, and
                          use “To” for the remaining 30 minutes. While in American style, the hours are
                          stated first, followed by the minutes. For example, 08.25 is read as eight-twenty-
                          five. This teaching material will also discuss the differences between a.m. (ante
                          meridiem) and p.m. (post meridiem).

                       2.  Relevance
                          This teaching material contains the material on how to say the hours in two ways
                          or more precisely using British and American styles, how to asking the time in
                          English, and the difference between a.m. (ante meridiem) and p.m. (post
                          meridiem) After learning this module students are expected to be able to identify
                          how to express time (clock) in English.

                       3.  Study Guide
                          The purpose of this teaching material is students can understand how to say the
                          time as well as asking the time in English and the differences between a.m. (ante
                          meridiem) and p.m. (post meridiem). To be able to identify how to express time
                          (hour) in English. Here are study guides for studying this module:
                              1)  Understand each component of teaching materials from the basic
                                 component to the end.
                              2)  Understand the main and supporting material by reading and interpreting
                              3)  Reading various other learning resources that are relevant to the material
                                 being studied.
                              4)  Discuss the results of the discussion section with other participants and
                                 instructors through media online or offline.
                              5)  Complete each assignment independently and formative tests through
                                 online facilities.
                              6)  Practice the knowledge gained from the learning process in daily learning
                                 practices and reflect on it.

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