P. 158
Image 31. Look at the future U.S President
Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State under the Obama presidency.
The Clintons integrated the Muslim Brotherhood in the American
government at a highest level. The Saudi Arabian family (Al Saoud) is
the richest family of the world, net worth $4 trillion. The Rothschilds,
net worth $2 trillion. Soros, net worth $1 trillion. Illuminati extended
their tentacles until the White House.
Huma Mahmood Abedin is Hillary's right hand and her parents are
connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, as is her brother. John Podesta
was White House Chief of Staff to President Clinton, counselor to
President Obama and Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton’s
presidential campaign. Abedin and Podesta were arrested the same
day. John McCain (republican, Senior Senator for Arizona 1987-
2018), what was he doing in Iraq with the Isis top four?
79 Michael Baxter (April 4, 2021) U.S. Special Forces Arrest John Podesta and
Huma Abedin. Url.