P. 161
emailed Obama warning him to be more careful next time…
Image 34. John Podesta and Valerie Giarrett (Obama’s political advisor)
Ping Pong website has a super secure backdoor to a secret division
where you can order ‘pizzas’ for absurd prices… This screenshot was
made public by a hacker. “This month we have 5 fresh pizzas for your
enjoyment. We also have 4 surviving pizzas from last month's session.
All are on sale at an extremely low price, as they are in poor health and
not expected to survive, so a requirement is that you finish eating your
pizza after your session. This month’s special includes a 30% discount
on severe torture. Each image below is available for $1,000 in fine
print”. Why are they talking about kill rooms, murders and rinsing it off
when you're done?
Bill Clinton was on the passengers list 26 times for the private island
of dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein together with other sex offenders like
Kevin Spacey, who was arrested for multiple rape accounts. Bill
Clinton was investigated for the rape of a young boy by Jimmy Moore,
a former police officer who informed the FBI and the Department of
Homeland Security. After which he suddenly died on August 12, 2018.
This is why Pizzagate it's a global problem. Children are stolen and
sold to the elite pedophile rings worldwide. They are tortured, raped
and murdered as part of Illuminati satanic ritual ceremonies. Their
murderers then drink children's blood and eat their flesh. The blood of
children severely traumatized before death contains Adrenochrome, a