P. 166
Top directors such as James Gunn, proudly tweet about being a
pedophile. Brian Peck, a convicted child molester, spent 16 months in
jail and after he was offered a job right back with Disney. The list of
sexual predators in Hollywood is endless and often predators are
legends in Hollywood. Actor Corey Feldman was one of the first to
speak: “Hollywood biggest problem is, was and always will be
pedophilia”. He and his friend Corey Haim became successful actors at
a very young age, but the price was high. They were sexually abused
by various adults they worked with.
Robert Downey Jr. and Brad Pitt also support these statements. Mel
Gibson, actor and producer, was blacklisted because he revealed that
Hollywood is a den of pedophiles who feast on the blood of kids.
What Gibson says is VERY IMPORTANT: “Hollywood is an
institutionalized pedophile ring. It is a den of parasites who feast on the
blood of children. Every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for
with the blood of innocent children. (…) Baby blood is so popular in
Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own. (…) It is
an open secret in Hollywood. These people have their own religious
and spiritual teachings and their own social and moral framework.
They have their sacred texts (…) They harvest the blood of children.
They eat their flesh. If the child was suffering in body and psyche
before he died, they believe this gives them extra life force. These
people thrive on pain, trauma, stress, abuse, and suffering. (…) There
is a creative and loving force inside most of us that guide us through
life. These people don’t have this, for them it’s the opposite. (…) They
are using and abusing kids. (...) Their spiritual belief, if we can call
them that, direct them to harvest the energy of the kids. They feast on
this stuff and they thrive on it. (…) Babies are their highest currency,
their premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak. The
money involved… you have no idea, (…) There is anything new. If you
do some research you will see it’s a metaphysical, alchemical
phenomenon and you can find it behind the scene in all the dark era in
history. (…) It’s a dark multidimensional occult art and practice used
by secret societies in the last few hundred years for social programming
and mind control and raised to a zenith by Hollywood in America in
our era.” I will explain all in this eBook.