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orders were founded that were the continuation of the Templar Knights.
                             For instance, the House of Farnese, who belongs to the Italian Black
                           Nobility, established the Jesuits as a military order in 1534.through the
                           papal bull: “Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae” which means the Military
                           Regiment of the Church under Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese. The
                           leader of the Jesuits is called the Superior General because the Jesuits
                           are a military order. The Jesuits work as Roman intelligence for the
                           Black Italian Nobility.
                             Jesuits  are  trained  in  deception,  intrigue  and  are  entangled  with
                           everything in society. This Catholic religious order was a military order
                           of  extremists  which  swore  an  oath  of  absolute  obedience  to  their
                           Superior General and to the Pope. This is a fragment of their initiation
                           oath: “I promised further and declare that when the opportunity arises,
                           I will conduct a ruthless war secretly, all publicly against all heretics,
                           protestants and liberals, as I am instructed to do to exterminate and
                           destroy them of the whole earth, and that I will not spare age, sex or
                           class and that I will hang up, burn, boil, cook, peel, strangle and bury
                           the shameful heretics, rip the stomachs from wombs of their wives and
                           crush the heads of their children against the wall for the purpose to
                           destroy their horrible race forever”.
                             The  Jesuit  Order  grew  into  an  extremely  powerful  group  whose
                           members were very close to the royal families of that time as teachers
                           or counsellors. The Society of Jesus was involved with the genocide of
                           Native Americans. For example, the Jesuit priest Pierre-Jean De Smet
                           infiltrated the  Iroquois and requested “Black Robes” for the natives
                           which carried diseases as a form of biological warfare. He provided
                           intelligence on them which was used to massacre all while pretending
                           to be their ally.

                               This oath is taken from the book Subterranean Rome by Carlos Didier, translated
                           from the French and published in New York in 1843. Dr. Alberto Ribeira escaped
                           from the Jesuit Order in 1967 and describes his Jesuit oath in exactly the same way as
                           it appears in the book. Url.
                           th-of-induction/ The Jesuit Oath of Induction is also recorded in the Congressional
                           Record of the U.S. (House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell,
                           against Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913. 3215-3216). Url. https://www.wilmingtonfavs.

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