P. 221
Figure 62. The photo is from a video taken during a scientific
conference in the Netherlands, where a Pfizer vial was live under a
microscope. You see a large living organism in the Pfizer vaccine,
with many other particles moving around. 144
Now you know that the covid-19 pandemic and its fake vaccines
manufactured by the pharmaceutical industries were subservient to the
Illuminati plan to depopulate the Earth and earn colossal sums of
money. We paid to be killed. The mechanism of action of the new
drugs, as declared by the pharmaceutical industry and coupled with
what is reported in the vaccines data sheet, is NOT clear for current
medical savants. What they understand is that the new drugs are NOT
vaccines but nanotechnological drugs working as a genetic alteration
Dr. Chinda Brandolino, a Latin American physician, affirmed that
once the human genome is altered, the person is no longer considered
an original human being, but a transhuman. Therefore, the person loses
human rights. Brandolino explains that the altered DNA and RNA can
be patented, making the genetically modified person a property of the
patent holders. 145
The name ‘vaccine’ is a trickery used for bureaucratic and
technocratic reasons in order to receive an urgent approval, ignoring all
the normal rules for new drugs, especially for those involving novel
nanotechnological mechanisms which have never been developed nor
experienced by humans anywhere, at any time in the history of world.
All these so-called vaccines are patented and therefore their actual
content is kept secret even to the buyers, that use taxpayers’ money. In
this way, consumers (taxpayers) have no information about what they
are receiving in their bodies by inoculation. Humanity is kept in the
dark about the nano particulate technological processes involved, but
144 Sorensen David John & Dr. Zelenko Vladimir MD (version 1.0 September
2021). The Vaccine death report, op. cit., p. 18.
145 Url.