P. 223

and after a week he saw many small hematomas to appear on his body,
                           ignoring how he could get them. Quickly, a huge blood clot formed on
                           his left thigh that he himself photographed. Later, a sore opened and in
                           just 3 weeks the young man died. 146

                                                        Figure 64.

                             CONCLUSION. Now, you know that people with just a seasonal
                           flu  or  that  had  been  irradiated  by  5G  ---  which  caused  serious
                           breathing problems --- were pushed into hospitals by the fear due
                           to Illuminati propaganda. You know that since 5G electromagnetic
                           radiation damages human cells and DNA, the cells of irradiated
                           people reacted by creating exosomes that tested them positive for
                           covid 19.
                             In the hospitals, corrupt doctors injected into these patients the
                           toxic mixture called ‘covid 19’ and many patients were killed by an
                           intentional invasive mechanical ventilation. In fact, a giant study
                           confirms that almost 9 on 10 covid 19 patients on ventilation died.
                           (Richardson  Safiya  et  al.  (2020).  Presenting  Characteristics,  Comorbidities,  and
                           Outcomes among 5700 Patients Hospitalized with Covid-19 in the New York City
                           Area, JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 323, Issue 20, Page:
                           2052-2059. Url.
                             The survivors very often suffer of the side effects (the so-called
                           ‘Long Covid’) of this treatment. This explains why patients treated
                           at  home  with  hydroxychloroquine  or  simple  flu  medications
                           recovered. After, when the fake vaccines were injected all over the
                           world,  millions  of  ‘vaccinated’  people  died  or  suffer  of  the  side
                           effects of genetic change and parasites discovered in the ‘vaccines’.

                             146  Url.

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