P. 228
with GO over a period of several months, and then tune the 5G
network to the frequency that imparts the most energy to the GO
particles. This could be done in a series of short bursts in the middle
of the night, preferably in tandem through a series of 5G
transmitters (a "phased array"). Victims wake up in panic, panting
for their breath. The agitated GO particles interfere with the
biochemical mechanism in their red blood cells (which extracts
oxygen from the air), causing acute hypoxia.
This technique was probably used to wreak havoc in Wuhan (Cina)
and Bergamo (Italy) in the fall of 2019 and was used later in several
other cities. This is why most covid deaths, which present a real
respiratory distress, occur in cities. Other deaths are caused by
traditional pathogens and intentionally attributed to covid.
Victims ingested a large amount of GO particles, through
contaminated vaccines, and were subsequently immersed in 5G
radiation. Since the installation of 5G transmitters on a national scale
began in most countries only in early 2020 and was greatly accelerated
during the lockdowns, you can see how such a weapon system is
Governments or powerful individuals can remotely control people
who received ‘mini device’ through coronavirus vaccines or track their
location through GPS. This control could be exercised by 5G towers
transmitting signals to people carrying graphene particles. Social media
users claimed to have been ‘magnetized’ by the vaccines, posting
images of magnets, coins or cutlery attached to the arm in which they
received the jab. Vaccines containing GO alter people's electromagnetic
field and this can be fatal. 150
Below you can find some studies proving that GO is a dangerous
toxin. In a peer-reviewed study published in March 2019, before the
start of the pandemic, the authors stated: “Although graphene oxide is
produced with the same atoms as our organs, tissues and cells, its two-
dimensional nature causes unique interactions with blood proteins and
150 Daily Sabah, ‘Miracle material’ graphene, at heart of Covid-19 conspiracies,
by AFP-French Press Agency, Buenos Aires, Oct. 23, 2021. Url. https://www.dailysa