P. 233

as a covid death they are paid 39000 USD. This has been confirmed by
                           medical professionals around the world. 161
                             New York was the epicenter of the covid-19 pandemic. In the heart
                           of New York there is the famous Elmhurst hospital; the epicenter within
                           the epicenter of the pandemic. An experienced nurse from Florida, Erin
                           Olszewski, decided to go there to help with the crisis. What she saw
                           shocked her and she decided to take a hidden camera to film what was
                           going on. Patients who repeatedly tested negative for covid-19 were
                           registered  as  ‘confirmed  COVID-19’.  They  were  put  on  a
                           respirator in a covid ward... until they died!
                             For 10 years John O'Looney was part of one of the largest funeral
                           companies  in  the  UK.  He  worked  with  the  BBC  to  document  the
                           pandemic  and  worked  with  a  government  pandemic  official.  He  is
                           connected  to  45  other  funeral  directors  and  has  therefore  a  clear
                           overview of what is going on.
                             He testifies that neither  he nor any other  funeral  director saw  an
                           increase in deaths during the so-called pandemic. During March 2020
                           however, John was called night after night for three weeks, specifically
                           to care homes. All who died were labelled as covid. He never saw a
                           doctor in attendance, nor a covid test once. At the same time, there was
                           a 1000% increase in purchases of Midazolam…
                             John says the deaths skyrocketed once the government started mass
                           vaccinating  the  population:  “I've  never  seen  anything  like  it,  as  a
                           funeral director for fifteen years. And it began exactly when they began
                           putting  needles in  their  arms.  I've never seen a  death  rate like that
                           again. It was awful, awful. Those were pandemic numbers, but it was
                           only after they started vaccinating, never before that point” 162 . John
                           explains that most vaccine deaths were labelled covid deaths.
                             “Every funeral director with an ounce of honesty will tell you that
                           all those who are dying all around us are vaccine recipients. There is
                           no covid pandemic and I am living proof of that. It's all designed to
                           make you take the vaccine. In my network of funeral directors, not a

                             161  Url.
                           onavirus/5709720/amp/ In, The Vaccines Death Report, op. cit. p. 24.
                             162  Url. In, The vaccines death report, op.cit.,
                           p. 26.

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