P. 244

II.VIII. Quantum entanglement and hive-society

                             We have the nucleus inside the cell. RNA is delivered by hydrogel
                           that  has  micro-nanosized  magnetic  particles  inside  responding  to
                           magnetism. 179   They  respond  to  a  5G  electromagnetic  signal  that:  1)
                           pushes the hydrogel which carries the messenger RNA and allow it to
                           penetrate the outer cell membrane, to travel through the cytoplasm (the
                           liquid),  and  penetrate  the  next  membrane  which  is  the  membrane
                           surrounding the nucleus.
                             Your DNA changes once more by taking the mark provided by the
                           microneedles  array  patch  containing  the  hydrogel  with  the
                           micromagnetic,  the  nanoscale  magnetic  particles  embedded  in  the
                           hydrogel. Its only function is the mechanism of delivery of messenger
                           RNA through the cell membrane, through the cytoplasm, through the
                           membrane of the nucleus, and within the nucleus.
                             Here the RNA begins the process of replication resulting in the new
                           sequence of artificially encoded DNA. When RNA enters the nucleus,
                           it begins to replicate in a double strand, a twisted helix, a helical pattern
                           of DNA. But this time it is a DNA that is artificially encoded, a
                           genome (a genetic sequence) that was artificially designed first in
                           silicon. In silicon means in the software, in computer silicon. Think
                           of CRISPR technology, a rearrangement of nucleotides. This is what
                           RNA include, and then RNA reproduces that artificial arrangement of
                           nucleotides  by  producing  an  artificial  DNA  sequence  which  is
                           permanent. 180
                             Illuminati  created  the  plandemic  scenario  through  artificial
                           intelligence, AI, and the moment of the beginning of this scenario was
                           established through AI. Quantum computing was designed for AI
                           development.  Many  corrupt  members  of  the  scientific  community
                           jointly  develop  quantum  computing  and  AI.  They  profess  that
                           artificially intelligent humans, through DNA modification and brain-

                             179   Patch  Anthony  (2020).  The  Final  Solution,  Part  II.  Entangled  Magazine,
                           October Edition. Url.
                             180   Patch  Anthony  (2020),  The  Final  Solution.  Entangled  Magazine,  October
                           Edition. Url.

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