P. 247
A classic computer uses logic gates that move linearly and electrons
flow through the transistor ports. A transistor is just a gate that opens
and closes; when it opens he lets an electron pass through the transistor.
Then it closes, preventing the passage of another electron.
One electron will be a 1, while another electron that is prevented
from moving through the gate is a 0. It's a slow linear process, but if
you move them to a state where the electron can be both a 1 and a 0,
you have an acceleration of the computational process. This means the
ability to create an artificial atom that does not have a nucleus and is
comprised of electrons that can be moved to an existing position of
superposition as both 1 and 0 simultaneously. 183
Why is this relevant for you and me? This is relevant for the quantum
dots delivered through the hypodermic needles of the microneedles
array patch. Remember, these quantum dots function as biosensors,
sensors embedded in the body that monitor every bodily function,
including your behavior, emotional state and thoughts.
A biosensor quantum dot functions as a biosensor and, because it is
a sensor, it transmits information (digital information) via 5G signals
transmitted by biosensors in the body. These quantum dots are located
in every cell of the body, they transmit sensors data (digital
information) and in the same way they function as an antenna that
receive through 5G. They receive information that alter the way people
Quantum dots for quantum computing are exactly the same
quantum dots provided by the array of microneedles that are then
incorporated into every single cell in the body. We talk about the
simulation of the sentient world where everyone will be connected to in
this computer-driven quantum simulation. All will be connected to the
hive-mind of the simulation of the sentient world. Quantum dots
183 R. C. C. Leon, C. H. Yang, J. C. C. Hwang, J. Camirand Lemyre, T. Tanttu, W.
Huang, K. W. Chan, K. Y. Tan, F. E. Hudson, K. M. Itoh, A. Morello, A. Laucht, M.
Pioro-Ladrière, A. Saraiva and A. S. Dzurak (11 February 2020). Coherent spin
control of s-, p-, d- and f-electrons in a silicon quantum dot, Nature Communications.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-14053-w/