P. 252

computer node and given an avatar. Then people are connected by way
                           of  their  nanoscale  quantum  entangled  electron  qubits,  entangled
                           electrons functioning as qubits within the human body connecting them
                           to the quantum computers driving the entire system.
                             In the article, “Quantum computing: Also mentioned in his opening
                           speech this morning, Josef Acshbacher made a special announcement
                           regarding  an  exciting  new  ESA  initiative,  the  EOP  AI-enhanced
                           Quantum Initiative for EO known as QC4EO, in collaboration with the
                           European  Organization  for  Nuclear  Research  otherwise  known  as
                           CERN  (…)  Quantum  computing  has  the  potential  to  improve
                           performance,  reduce  computational  costs,  and  solve  previously
                           intractable  problems  in  Earth  observation  by  exploiting  quantum
                           phenomena  such  as  superposition,  entanglement,  and  quantum
                           tunneling. The initiative involves the creation of a quantum capability
                           that will have the ability to solve complex Earth observation problems
                           using artificial intelligence to support programs such as Digital Twin
                           Earth and Copernicus.” 188

                             When they say ‘Earth observation’ these Illuminati are talking about
                           one  or  more  satellites  observing  the  Earth  from  orbit.  They  are
                           increasing the density of the data, the granularity of the simulation, not
                           just the simulation of the Earth itself. This Digital Twin Earth is the
                           virtual reality in which they want to trap humans who take the mark.
                           Illuminati  will  always  argue  that  this  is  for  benevolent  purposes,  to
                           predict the weather. All this process will culminate in their evil and idiot

                             188  Josef Acshbacher, Quantum computing, Url.
                           e_stage_at_ESA_s_Ph-week/ - Aschbacher J. (2015). My vision about Copernicus;
                           Climate Change and Satellites. Sud(s) Concepts Presse & Edition Book Magazine
                           Collection; 148-153 - Aschbacher J. (2017). ESA’s Earth Observation Strategy and
                           Copernicus; Satellite Earth Observations and Their Impact on Society and Policy,
                           Springer Open; 81-86.

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