P. 257

Lucifer is just a servant. When his ego exploded, he wrote a ‘Manifesto’
                           where  he  reclaimed  the  freedom  to  create  his  own  kingdom.  He
                           persuaded many angels, especially the seraphim angels (who became
                           fallen  angels),  and  others  spiritual  entities  to  go  with  him.  They  all
                           become sinful and wicked.
                             There was a war in Heaven and, obviously, Lucifer lost the war. His
                           accomplices were Satan, his lieutenant, and the Prince of the Earth at
                           that  time (another  administrator who was removed  and  replaced). 192
                           After they lost the war, unfortunately the Triad  members could still
                           come on Earth, where they continued to produce disasters by their main
                           weapon, the art of deceit.
                             Most of the rebellious entities were imprisoned by God in several far
                           planets and other escaped on other planets, but some of the fallen angels
                           and  other  fallen  evil  entities  hid  themselves  on  Earth.  They  needed
                           bodies  to  live  here  and  thus  they  asked  to  their  worshippers,  the
                           Anunnaki, (who were on our planet for reasons that I go to explain) the
                           permission to enter their bodies. Annunaki accepted and, in their bodies,
                           the  fallen  angels  had  children  with  Earth’s  women,  the  women  of
                           Atlantis. Their children were the Nephilim giants.
                             What you need to know here is that the Triad is the source of all our
                           problems and of all your problems in your public and private life. They
                           are guilty of any suffering on our planet: viruses, diseases, injustice,
                           corruption,  poverty,  wars  and  death.  They  are  guilty  because  their
                           shadow government drive our lives from the beginning.
                             After  the  massacre  of  Jews  in  WWII,  Illuminati  witches  have
                           released a growing number of evil entities using witchcraft, instead of
                           following  our  Lord  Jesus’message  of  love.  Unfortunately,  ordinary
                           people know nothing and don’t really love God and Jesus. They aren’t
                           real Christians. This means they are disconnected from God’s energy
                           and are weak in face of the evil. Follow me in this last part and you will
                           find all the answers to all your existential and social questions.
                             I return to my storyline, later the Creator exiled Lucifer first (37000
                           years ago Lucifer was still on Earth and the ‘fall of Adam and Eve’ was

                             192  The Master Universe is composed of seven sub-universes and each inhabited
                           planet is ruled by a planetary prince.

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