P. 258

influenced by him) and Satan after (in 1920, on our planet Satan could
                           still visit the ex-Prince of the Earth). Sadly, the third member seems to
                           be here to continue the Triad project. Their project is to stole souls from
                           the Creator and  add our planet  to  their  kingdom.  In their tyrannical
                           NWO  there  is  no  place  for  humans,  because  they  fear  Lord  Jesus’
                           Victorious Second Coming and don’t want humans around when they
                           will fight. They will lose, but if we don’t fight we will be annihilated
                           in the meantime.
                             It  is  important  you  understand  the  difference  between  souls  and
                           spirits. Your soul is You, your own and unique personality. Personality
                           is a God’s gift, because He is your true father and You are His beloved
                           son. Spirits are another thing, they are not souls.
                             There  are  good  spirits  or  pure  spirits  (as  all  benevolent  celestial
                           beings) and evil spirits or impure spirits (there are many kind of evil
                           spirits; for example, demons are evil or impure spirits). Evil spirits can
                           enter human bodies, but only if the body owner isn’t a real Christian.
                           Real  Christians  receive  a  spiritual  armor  (this  is  related  to  the
                           electromagnetic field of human body) from the Creator.

                             The fallen angels. The ‘very first ones’ fallen angels created evil
                           aliens because they have no compassion or responsibility about what
                           they create. They let the most horrendous atrocities to be conducted.
                           and don’t care if they destroy their alien creations and God’s Creation.
                           They play around with God’s creation and pervert it. They are now
                           playing around with CERN and the Fabrics of Creation itself. 193
                             They don’t know what will happen, but they don’t care. Anyway, it
                           seems  like  they  are  trying:  1)  to  find  a  way  to  escape  God’s  final
                           judgment, 2) or to create a different universe to escape, 3) or to destroy
                           God’s Creation if they cannot be free anymore from God’s judgment,
                           4) or they hope the Creator allow them have their way without being
                           annihilated. No illusion. They will be punished forever and if you
                           read the old Book of Enoch, you will know God’s decision…

                             The Anunnaki. Anunnaki were on Mars before it was destroyed by

                             193  Url.

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