P. 254

big data. CERN worked with D-Wave quantum computers to capture
                           data from collisions, data represented as brightness, then they took these
                           data to discover the embedded patterns. From the patterns they predict
                           the human behavior as they have done so far for their NWO.
                             In reality, they're looking for the patterns of numbers (patterns of 0's
                           and 1's). Within geomancy, there are 16 basic patterns used to decipher
                           the random patterns. These 16 figures are used by quantum computers
                           replacing the human diviners of old who discovered the patterns hidden
                           within random dots made in the sand by a layman looking for an answer
                           from the human soothsayer. Illuminati and their minions seek answers
                           through  quantum  computers  applying  the  16  geomantic  figures  to
                           interpret the random data produced by CERN and by humans around
                           the world while using computers.
                             They  are  opening  portals.  In  the  world  of  quantum  mechanics,
                           scientists  will  tell  you  that  these  patterns  reveal  new  physics,  new
                           physical  processes.  They  claim  that  there  are  over  1000  new
                           fundamental particles that have been discovered due to the particles
                           collision. It is another lie! The new particles, most of which disappear
                           in  a  few  picoseconds,  vaporize  back  to  energy.  In  reality,  these
                           ‘scientists’ are Illuminati minions working to open portals in the space-
                           time (Einstein-Rose bridges) and in Part III you will know why.
                             Virtual reality for hive-minds. Phi or Φ, in capital is the number
                           1.618033988749 and it goes on. Phi was known to the Greeks and to
                           Renaissance artists as the divine proportion. It is also called the golden
                           section, the golden ratio. Phi, like Pi, is a ratio defined by geometric
                           construction. Just as Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
                           diameter, Phi is the ratio of the line segments that result in a line divided
                           in one very unique way. It is the golden ratio; the Fibonacci sequence.
                             Why is Phi so important? Because it is the mathematical description
                           of virtual reality, the simulation of the sentient world generated by the
                           quantum computer. The Greek symbol  Φ, Phi,  is  the symbol of  the
                           virtual  reality  built  geometrically,  mathematically.  Computer
                           simulations  are  geometric  simulations.  Virtual  reality  created  by
                           quantum computing utilizes numbers arranged according to a geometric
                           pattern,  all  summarized  by  Phi.  Now,  Phi  is  the  division  of  line
                           segments and the ratio of these segments to one another. The division

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