P. 34

Follansbee. Jack Follansbee’s cousin was William Randolf Hearst, an
                           Illuminatus of the 6°. Hearsts are in the Illuminati.
                             The Roosvelt Connection. The Roosevelt family was connected to
                           the Delano family which is a Black Venetian Noble family that goes
                           back for many centuries. The lives of these families intertwine with the
                           Astors. Franklin Hughes Delano, heir to a massive whale oil fortune
                           married Lavia Astor, daughter of William Backhouse Astor, and James
                           Roosevelt married Helen Astor, daughter of William Backhouse. Jr.
                           James Roosevelt was a Freemason and married the sister of Vincent
                           Astor’s wife.
                             If  a family  is  powerful  but  not  in  the  Illuminati  clique, they can
                           destroy this family, such as Romanov and Howard Hugh were. The
                           Rothschilds  destroyed  the  Romanovs,  but  the  Romanovs  were  an
                           occult  bloodline  and  so  Illuminati  secretly  took  the  children  of  the
                           Imperial family to serve as breeders for them. By this way, Illuminati
                           channeled the occult blood of the Romanovs into their bloodlines.
                             The Cabot family of Boston are descendants of Sebastian Cabot who
                           was born in Venice. Sebastian Cabot (whose father was John Cabot)
                           descended  from  Giovanni  Caboto,  member  of  a  powerful  family  in
                           Genoa. In modern times, the Cabot family was active in politics and
                           intelligence  agencies  for  the  NWO.  Thomas  D.  Cabot  set  up  Radio
                           Swan on Swan Island for the CIA. Paul Cabot was a director of J.P.
                           Morgan & Co.
                             The  Collins  family.  The  Societas  Rosicruciana  is  a  high  level
                           exclusive organization of the Illuminati lied to Satanic groups such as
                           the O.T.O,  the Golden Dawn and Stella Matutina. One of the New
                           York S.R. officers was James F. Collins (8°) who died in 1896. He was
                           with the original set of S.R. officers of the first High Council of the S.R.
                           in America which oversaw all the S.R. colleges (lodges) in America.
                           When the Canadians set up a Societas Rosicruciana in Canada, the High
                           Council which oversaw all Canada included Daniel Collins, 8°. The
                           highest degree is the 9°.

                             15  Ordo Templi Orientis is the first of the great Old Æon orders to accept The Book
                           of the Law, received by Aleister Crowley in 1904. This book proclaims a New Æon
                           in  human  thought,  culture  and  religion.  The  Æon  arises  from  a  single  supreme
                           injunction: The Law of Thelema, which is: Do what you want.

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