P. 36
antidote to Covid-19.
John F. Kennedy’s father was the chairman of the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) and an informal adviser to Pres. Franklin
D. Roosevelt. Illuminati Kings are advisers to the Presidents. Another
tie between the Kennedys and the Knights of Malta is the Hospice
The Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and
Bioethics (located at the Jesuit Georgetown Univ.) helps to fund the
hospice movement of the Knights of Malta in America. In Oct. 1978,
the first annual meeting of the National Hospice Organization took
place and Sen. Edward Kennedy was one of the two keynote speakers.
The hospice movement conducted by the Hospitalers (a branch of the
Knights of Malta) wants to allow euthanasia to old (unwanted) people.
JFK viewed himself as the CIA’s boss, but the real head of the
organization on purpose ruined the chances of the CIA to succeed at the
Bay of Pigs. He prevented the CIA air cover from taking off because he
knew that without air support the operation had no chance, which was
proved correct. Everyone blamed JFK because the CIA told its full story
and the (manipulated) press turned against Kennedy.
Two powerful friends helped JFK to fight the elite and were taken
out before Kennedy was assassinated. Senator Estes Kefauver, whose
Crime Commission had discovered the 1932 deal that Onassis,
Kennedy, Meyer, Roosevelt, Lansky and other Illuminati/Mafia figures
had made. Kefauver was killed with a secret poison that induced an
"heart attack" on Aug. 8, 1963.
The other one was Phillip Graham, editor of the Washington Post.
His wife, Katherine Meyer Graham, participated in elite activities and
bribed some psychiatrists to certify her husband was insane. He was
ordered by a judge into a mental hospital and when visited home on a
weekend, he was found "suicided" by a shotgun. Bobby Kennedy knew
who shot his brother and wrote an unpublished book, The Enemy
Within. Then he was killed too. The whole establishment wanted to rid
of Kennedys and George Bush was involved with the assassination. I
will reveal the reason later on.
Onassis. Mafia strongman Sam Giancana (Momo Salvatore
Guingano) had a girlfriend, Judith Exner, who had sexual relations with