P. 41
In other words, they were told to make a fake conversion and to
infiltrate every aspect of society with the purpose of revenge. One year
later, in 1777, Weishaupt joined the Grand Oriental Masonic Lodge. He
made over 2000 Jesuits heads of the many lodges across the world and
established a massive empire of power headed by the Jesuit Order. Then
Weishaupt officially left the Order to avoid any suspicion about the
involvement of the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit Council in
the Illuminati plan.
The maleficent alliance between the Black Nobility (with its
Jesuits and Freemasons puppets), and the Khazars (officially, the
Ashkenazi Jews) was sealed. Since they formed what we call generally
the Illuminati, they pursued: the destruction of all governments, the
establishment of one world government, war dominance of the Black
Pope, the revenge on Russia that expelled the Khazars, and the revenge
on Jews for the same reason. They wanted what the NATO, EU and UN
elite members want today: the NWO (New World Order) of the
To achieve this goal, the Rothschilds used the riches to finance wars,
but by financing both sides of each and every war, so they would always
win financially. They began to move the strings of their puppets. The
first pawn of the Illuminati Alliance was Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-
1821). Many historians think that the Jesuits orchestrated the French
Revolution and its outcome. The French Jesuit Augustin Barruell wrote
that the French Revolution had been orchestrated by the Freemasons
and some philosophers like Voltaire and Montesquieu.
Napoleon's advisor was a Jesuit, Emmanuel Sieyés. Napoleon was a
Masonic Grand Master who had been initiated by the Order to play a
key role in the revolution. His brother, Louis Bonaparte, was Grand
Master of the Grand Orient of France and his wife, Josephine, was a
member of the Mason Rite of Adoption. Under Napoleon's rule, the
number of lodges in France grew from 300 to 1220.
The French Revolution started in 1789 and lasted for 10 years of
terror. It was the plan of the Jesuit Council to take revenge on France
of a gentleman, Julien de Médrano. Url.