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through war. The destruction of the French crown was a side effect. The
Jacobins, an extremist political movement founded by the Jesuit Sieyés,
left behind them only destruction.
After the French Revolution ended, the Napoleonic wars started
causing instability in France and in all the countries Napoleon invaded.
Austria, Russia, England, Prussia, Portugal, Spain and each country that
had banned the Jesuits and the Khazarian Ashkenazi Jews tasted
destruction. The Illuminati deployed their revenue model by financing
both the French and the English army during the Napoleonic Wars. It
didn't matter who won, only the Illuminati really won.
In 1815, the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at Waterloo.
Nathan Rothschild knew that fast communication was essential in
business, so he sent his spies and his private courier to Waterloo. When
it was clear that Napoleon had lost the war, Rothschild received the new
two days prior to anyone and sold his English bonds, the gilts, at the
London Stock Exchange.
Thus, the traders believed in the Napoleon’s victory and sold their
bonds causing the gilts price to drop dramatically. At that moment,
Rothschild bought all the gilts he could at a very low price. Once again,
the traders started buying them too and so Nathan Rothschild become
extremely rich.
The King of England, George III, was heavily indebted to Nathan
Rothschild who had financed his war. The king had to pay back his
debts and the interest on them. He was in the pocket of Nathan
Rothschild, who said: “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne
of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money
supply controls the British Empire, and I control the money supply”.
Today Evelyn de Rothschild, who is far richer than the King, thinks
the same thing poking his finger into King Charles III