P. 49

I.V. Illuminati defectors expose the occult conspiracy

                             We have a testimony of the highest Illuminati defector in history. He
                           is a Witch High Priest member of the Council of the top families and a
                           direct  descendant  of  the  Collins  bloodline.  His  family  brought
                           witchcraft to the U.S.A in the 17th Century. His name is John Todd
                           (also  Cristopher Kollyns).  In 1972,  he  was  ‘saved’  and exposed the
                           Illuminati. He ruled a 13-states U.S. region consisting of 5000 covens,
                           i.e. totaling 65000 priests and priestesses. That's just the ministers, not
                           the congregation. He casted the Illuminati as a highly-organized and
                           occult conspiracy that holds mankind in a satanic vice.
                             Todd  explained  the  role  of  the  Sabbatean  Jewish  Kabbalist
                           Rothschilds  at the top of the Illuminati, but he didn’t reveal the real
                           ruling  families:  "The  Rothschilds  lead  the  Illuminati  and,  in  every
                           country, they have a family (...) being the head of the Illuminati. In the
                           United States, we have the Rockefellers. David Rockefeller is both the
                           head  of  the  Council  of  Foreign  Relations  and  the  Trilateral
                           [Commission] which is the name of the Illuminati within the United
                             He stated: "On the top of each pyramid you will see a capstone with

                             23   Robert  Sepher  (May  16,  2015),  1666  Redemption  Through  Sin:  Global
                           Conspiracy  in  History,  Religion,  Politics  and  Finance:  Atlantean  Gardens.  In  the
                           1600's Sabbatai Zevi was a Sephardic ordained rabbi and a kabbalist who claimed to
                           be  the  Jewish  Messiah.  He  was  the  founder  of  the  Sabbatean  movement.  He
                           proclaimed redemption was available through acts of sin and he amassed a following
                           of one million believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th
                           century. Many Rabbis considered him a heretic. Sabbateans practiced adultery, incest,
                           sexual  ritual,  and  religious  orgies.  In  1676,  Sabbatai  Zevi  died  and  his  Kabbalist
                           successor, Jacob Frank, evolved their occult philosophy into Frankism, aka, Zoharism.
                           The 18th and 19th century religious movement centered on his leadership. He claimed
                           to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. Like Zevi, he performed ‘strange
                           acts’ that violated all traditional religious taboos and promoted orgies and paedophilia.
                           Eventually, Jacob Frank allied with Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild
                           as the Order of the Illuminati. The organization's objectives were to undermine power
                           structures and world religions to usher in a utopian era of global communism covertly
                           ruling by their hidden hand as the New World Order.
                             24   Henry  Makov  Ph.D.  Rothschilds  Rule  with  Druid  Witches,  10-31-7.  Url.

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