P. 56
I.VI. The structure of control of the Illuminati
The ruler of the Council of 13 families is the most powerful of the
‘elite’ families and the leader of the Earth’s Illuminati. He is called The
Pindar and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for
“Pinnacle of the Draco”. Symbolically, this represents the top of power,
control, invasion, and fear. The Rothschilds prominent males have often
been the Pindar because this family is extremely rich. Its wealth is
divided among various descendants and today their interests cover a
vast range of fields: financial services, real estate, mining, energy,
mixed farming, winemaking, etc.
The Rothschilds control the International Monetary Fund, the World
Health Organization, etc. They finance every war since the war against
Napoleon. They financed the Bolshevik Revolution, Hitler and the
Nazis. They were the dealers of Zyclon B gas for the Nazi gas
chambers. The estimated net worth of the Rothschild family is $3
trillion. They own the U.S Federal Reserve. The Fed is a privately-
owned company, sitting on its own patch of land and immune to
American laws. When you have so much money each king, queen,
president or dictator become your puppet.
They killed the wealthiest people who opposed their private financial
mafia organization Federal Reserve Bank. The ship they sunk for this
reason wasn’t the Titanic ship, as they lied to you, but its sister ship
Olympic which was intentionally sunk also as insurance fraud.
Illuminatus J.P. Morgan, who financed the building of the Titanic ship,
cancelled his trip a few hours before it departed for its sinking. The ship
went full speed into a known iceberg field, with less than half the
required lifeboats, no red signal flares, no Rothschild or Rockefeller on
The Federal Reserve Bank was created. Today, only three countries
have their independent banks not owned or controlled by the Illuminati:
North Korea, Iran and Cuba. If you try to stop them from taking over
your banking system by setting up a central bank in your country, they
lend money to you at insane interest rates that you can never pay, so
that your country becomes the eternal slave to the Rothschild global
banking system.