P. 60
It is said that only two U.S. Presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John
Kennedy, were neither Masons or elite members of affiliated bodies.
They were both killed. Here you see, in bold, the members the most
known to the international public. The list is not complete…
John Adams Barry Goldwater François Mitterand
(King) Umberto Agnelli Mikhail Gorbachev Henry Morgenthau
Buzz Aldrin Al Gore Benjamin Netanyahu
Yasser Arafat J.J.J. Gourgas G. Bromley Oxnam
(Patriarch) Athenagoras I Rev. Billy Graham Olof Palme
Gene Autry James Graham Henry Palmerston
Tobias Axelrod Col. James "Bo" Gritz Shimon Peres
Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck Rev. Kenneth Hagin Albert Pike
Foster Bailey Manly P. Hall Norman Vincent Peale
Admiral G.W. Baird Mark Hatfield Prince Philip
Achille Ballori Jesse Helms Roscoe Pound
M.H. Barroso Christian A. Herter (Gen.) Colin L. Powell
Bernard Mannes Baruch Richard Holbrooke Major General John
Harry L. Baum J. Edgar Hoover Quitman
Daniel Carter Beard Col. Edward Mandell Yitzak Rabin
(Boy Scouts) House Ronald Reagan
Alain Bernheim King Hussein Joseph Rettinger
Justice Hugo Black Saddam Hussein Harman Gansvort
Jonathan Blanchard Gaylord Freeman Reynolds
Tony Blair Corrado Ballaco Gabrieli Marshall S. Reynolds
John Wilkes Booth Harman Gansvort Michel Reyt
Rev. William Booth Giuseppe Garibaldi Cecil Rhodes
Hayden C. Boyce Newt. Gingrich Oral Roberts
Werner von Braun John Glenn Franklin D. Roosevelt
John C. Breckinridge Burl Icle Ives Theodore Roosevelt
Sir Richard Burton Jessie James Paul Rosen
Senator Byrd Rev. Jesse Jackson James Rothschild
Plutarco Elias Calles Andrew Johnson Charles Taze Russell
James Cameron Lyndon Baines Johnson Bishop Carl J. Sanders
Jimmy Carter Dr. Bob Jones Sr. Jacob Schiff
Hugo Chavez Jack Kemp Bill Schnoebelen
Richard Cheney Duke Michael of Kent Gerhard Schroeder
Sir Winston Churchill Alexander Kerensky Rev. Robert Schuller
Henry Clausen John Kerry Ronald A. Seale
Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction, USA) from
1859 to 1889.