P. 64

I.VII.  The  Protocols  of  Zion  and  Illuminati  power

                             If you want to make sense of the destructive changes that occurred
                           in  the  Western  nations  over  the  last  century,  you  must  read  the  24
                           protocols and 293 paragraphs of the Protocols of Zion. They describe
                           all the ways Illuminati employ to brainwash and dominate the goyim,
                           us, you and me, the ordinary people.
                             Philip Stepanovin,  the  original publisher  of  the  Protocols,  in  his
                           Introduction of 1897, wrote that the work was an unauthorized copy of
                           an original text owned and maintained by a group of global Jewish elite
                           that was using it as a blueprint for world domination. At any rate, the
                           events predicted in this book are happening now. Henry Ford put it best,
                           when asked his assessment of The Protocols: “The only statement I care
                           to make about The Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on.”
                             Here we cite some essential quotes from the original text : “We are
                           interested (…) in  killing out the goyim, our power is in the chronic
                           shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker, because that
                           implies he is made the slave of our will. [Prot. 3 Par. 7] If we have been
                           able to bring them to such a pitch of stupid blindness is it not a proof,
                           and an amazingly clear proof, of the degree to which the mind of the
                           GOYIM is undeveloped in comparison with our mind? This it is, mainly,
                           which guarantees our success. [Prot. 1 Par. 7] In order that our scheme
                           may produce this result we shall arrange elections in  favor of such
                           presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some
                           "Panama"  or  other  -  then  they  will  be  trustworthy  agents  for  the
                           accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the
                           natural  desire  of  everyone  who  has  attained  power,  namely,  the
                           retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the

                                The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or The Protocols of the Meetings of the
                           Learned Elders of Zion, were first published in Russia in 1903 and translated into
                           multiple languages in the early part of the 20th century. The Protocols of the Learned
                           Elders  of  Zion  translated  by  Victor  E.  Marsden,  Fairborne  Publishing,  Colchester
                           Collection, 1923 at Url.

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