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be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to
                           be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any
                           GOYIM who oppose us by deed or word. [Prot. 5 Par. 1] The word
                           ‘freedom’ brings out the communities of men to fight against every kind
                           of force, against every kind of authority, even against God and the laws
                           of nature. For this reason, when we come into our kingdom, we shall
                           have to erase this word from the lexicon of life as implying a principle
                           of brute force, which turns mobs into bloodthirsty beasts [Prot. 3 Par.
                           20]  Freedom  is  the  right  to  do  what  which  the  law  allows.  This
                           interpretation of the word will at the proper time be of service to us,
                           because  all  freedom  will  thus  be  in  our  hands,  since  the  laws  will
                           abolish or create only that which is desirable for us according to the
                           aforesaid program. [Prot. 12 Par. 2] When we at last definitely come
                           into our kingdom by the aid of Coup d’État prepared everywhere for
                           one and the same day, after definitely acknowledged (and not a little
                           time will pass before that comes about, perhaps even a whole century)
                           we shall make it our task to see that against us such things as plots shall
                           no longer exist. With this purpose, we shall slay without mercy all who
                           take arms (in hand) to oppose our coming into our kingdom. Every kind
                           of new institution of anything like a secret society will be punished with
                           death, those of them which are now in existence are known to us, serve
                           us and have served us but we shall disband them and send them into
                           exile  to  continents  far  removed  from  Europe.  In  this  way,  we  shall
                           proceed with those Goy Masons who know too much such of these as
                           we may for some reason spare will be kept in constant fear of exile. We
                           shall promulgate a law making all former members of secret societies
                           liable to exile from Europe as the center of rule. [Prot. 15 Par. 1] (…)
                           Our  Super-Government  subsists  in  extra-legal  conditions  which  are
                           described in  the accepted terminology by the energetic and forcible
                           word  -  Dictatorship.  I  am  in  a  position  to  tell  you  with  a  clear
                           conscience that at  the proper  time we,  the law-givers,  shall  execute
                           judgment and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare, we, as head
                           of all our troops, are mounted on the steed of the leader. We rule by
                           force of will because in our hands are the fragments of a once powerful
                           party,  now  vanquished  by  us,  and  the  weapons  in  our  hands  are
                           limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless vengeance, hatred

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