P. 73

- Washington D.C. (military, mind programming, brainwashing and
                           depopulation) – NOT part of the USA. Washington DC was established
                           as a municipal corporate state and headquarter of the U.S. through the
                           1871 District of Columbia Organic Act based on debts owed to foreign
                           entities  like  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  Irish  Government,  and
                           Kingdom of Belgium. Prince Lorenz of Belgium works at Gutzwiller
                           bank  in  Basel,  Switzerland,  right  near  the  Bank  for  International
                           Settlements  and  is  overseeing  the  private  accounts  of  the  royal  and
                           noble families.
                             -  Switzerland.  The  royals  and  nobles  have  massive  amounts  of
                           wealth  in  private  Swiss  bank  accounts.  They  use  the  Bank  for
                           International Settlements to steal wealth from the central banks through
                           fraudulent tax contracts and then laundering and concealing the wealth
                           in private Swiss bank accounts. Switzerland is the financial hub and
                           headquarter of Black Nobility families who run all the world’s banks,
                           military, police, courts, media, corporations, mafias, criminal industries
                           and fake churches. They run everything through the Vatican, the same
                           secret societies of Atlantis civilization, cult groups, and other Illuminati
                           NWO groups.
                             Banking  in  Switzerland  is  private  by  law,  so  their  money  is
                           transferred and laundered into private Swiss bank accounts concealing
                           billions. The top criminal bankers operate in Switzerland. The House of
                           Savoy  ruled  over  Geneva  for  centuries  for  the  Vatican  and  Prince
                           Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy has a residence in Geneva today. The
                           Swiss Guard protects the Vatican City State and Swiss Cantons have
                           been in contract with the Holy See for centuries. Switzerland is really a
                           Papal State.
                             There  is  no  income  tax  in  Monaco  so  many  foreign
                           businessmen operate  from  there  and  conceal  their  wealth  in  private
                           Swiss bank accounts. The BIS in Basel is in contract with the Federal
                           Reserve and most central banks around the world — through fraudulent
                           tax contracts like the Belgian Scheldt Dues — and siphons off wealth.

                             Political and Social Institutions
                                - CFR - Council of Foreign Relations, headed by David Rockefeller.
                             - Skull & Bones (inner circle of the CFR).

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