P. 72

-  The  Federal  Reserve  (finance  –  private  bank,  owned  by  the
                           Rothschilds) – NOT part of the USA. When the Federal Reserve Bank
                           was  created  the  United  States  of  America  were  turned  into  an
                           incorporated  business  with  its  own  business  ID  number  “28  U.S.G.
                           3002 15.” All citizens of the United States of America are employees
                           of the Illuminati NWO Empire and are considered as slaves and not free
                           citizens. The birth certificate shows that they own you. Only three banks
                           are independent, not owned or controlled by the Rothschilds: the Bank
                           of North Korea, the Bank of Iran and the Bank of Cuba.
                             - The Vatican City (indoctrination, deception and scare tactics) –
                           NOT part of Italy. The Vatican is an intelligence network. The Holy
                           See is the ‘All Seeing Eye’ in society and a corporate entity connected
                           to many other corporations and governments through papal and royal
                           charters. Bishops are overseers of their districts and Jesuits are spies
                           and infiltrators.
                             The Roman Curia or Papal Court is the highest organized council in
                           society and is directly overseen by two ‘Prince Assistants to the Papal
                           Throne’. These two positions are held by princes of the Colonna and
                           Torlonia families. They work with a higher level princely council of
                           Italian Nobility which works with another council made up of the top
                           Holy Roman Nobility.
                             The Pope is a front man for the Black Nobility of Italy. Cardinal
                           Timothy Dolan runs the Episcopal See of New York City and he is one
                           of  the  most  important  overseers in  the  U.S.  for  the  Vatican.
                           Archbishops  are  initiated  into  the  Illuminati  and  drink  children’s
                           adrenaline filled blood (adrenochrome). The real ruler of the Earth, who
                           commands  all  the  Black  Nobility,  lives  in  the  underground  of  the
                           Vatican City. I will approach this question later.
                             -  The  United  States.  The  U.S.  are  a  federal  corporation  defined
                           under U.S. code 3002 section 15 and are really a continuation of the
                           Virginia Company. The Virginia Company was issued by the British
                           Crown  from  the  City  of  London  Corporation  for  North  American
                           settlements. Illuminati use the Bank for International Settlements as a
                           proxy  to  steal  from  corporate  governments  through  foreign  tax
                           contracts like the Belgian Scheldt Dues. They then launder and conceal
                           the wealth in private Swiss bank accounts.

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