P. 74

- RIIA - Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House.
                             - Bilderberg Group (German version of CFR).
                             - Trilateral Commission. It is headed by David Rockefeller. This the
                               name of the Illuminati within the United States.
                             - AELE - American Eastern Liberal Establishment. The decadent
                           American  families  of  the  unholy  partnership,  corrupted  by  opium
                           money,  went  on  the  Eastern  Liberal  Establishment.  Its  members,
                           directed by the Illuminati through their foreign policy executive arm,
                           the  RIIA,  run  the  U.S.  through  their  secret  upper-level  parallel
                           government which is tightly meshed with the Committee of 300. That
                           secret government is now more in control of the U.S. than ever before.
                             - Bilderberg
                             - Pilgrim Society
                             - Fabian Society
                             - Round Table
                             - Club of Rome
                             - Cini Foundation
                             - Ditchley Foundation
                             - Environmentalists
                             - Socialist International
                             - Tavistock Institute for Human Studies (England’s psychological
                               warfare think tank).
                             - CPI
                             - IRAI
                             - RAND (R&S)
                             - Associated Press
                             - Reuters. Reuters is owned by the Rothschilds. Illuminati use news
                             monopoly for brainwashing the masses.

                             Banking and money groups
                             - IMF - International Monetary Fund
                             - Federal Reserve and all its National Central Banks
                             - World Bank
                             - BIS - Bank of International Settlements
                             - European Central Bank
                             - World Trade Organization.

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