Page 13 - Grace.SUMMER.2021
P. 13


                         an even greater

 What is sacrificial love? What does that even mean?? I had no idea. Little did I know that

 God would give me a real-life, real-time lesson on this very topic as we were planning this
 summer edition of Grace the Magazine.

 As I mention in my bio, I am a newlywed.  working on the inside, teaching us about  definitely headed in the right direction!  sweet, soft-spoken husband were worse

 (You may be giggling about newlyweds  sacrificial love.         than any rejection on a house. He
 learning about sacrificial love.) We got  In January of this year, my husband was  proceeded to tell me that we had some
 married last April and had a “COVID  So, what happens when two 40-something  sharing his dream of becoming a  cracks in our (marital) foundation that
 wedding” at the church, just us, the pastor,  year-olds get married? Well, let me tell you  homeowner. Our lease was ending and we  needed to be addressed and he felt this
 photographer, and a few well-wishers  a bit of our story. We learned we did not  were ready for the next step, or so we  was partly why we had not been successful

 gathered outside. Being newlyweds, we  know how to communicate very well, even  thought. He had not been through the  in finding a house. I was terrified but I knew
 faced the “normal” challenges most  after premarital counseling. We were two  homebuying process and I had, so I  he was right. Over the following days and
 couples experience after becoming one.  selfish people, even stubborn at times, not  immediately jumped to action. Did I  weeks, we revisited our goals as individuals,

 You know, things like: he is a morning  to mention both being pretty independent,  mention I am a doer?? Notice I did not say  for our marriage, and for our finances. We
 person and I am a night owl, which family  perhaps as a result of our many years of  that I stopped and prayed or asked God if  talked about what we wanted our future to
 are we spending the holidays with, setting  singleness. There were also some past  now was the right time, which was a lesson  look like. Our marriage verse (Eccl 4:12, “A
 a budget, different sexual views and  relationship wounds that were not healed.  in and of itself. The homebuying process is  person standing alone can be attacked and
 desires, who’s church are we attending, and  The process of becoming one flesh (Gen  stressful under normal circumstances,  defeated, but two can stand back-to-back

 the list goes on and on. Not only were we  2:24 NIV) isn’t always pretty. However, we  much less in an extremely competitive  and conquer. Three are even better, for a
 dealing with these common issues, but we  learned some awesome things too--we  market. We submitted so many offers that  triple-braided cord is not easily broken”)
 were also in the midst of a global  both love the Lord more than we love each  were rejected and I started to become  keeps us focused on what is most

 pandemic. Racial tensions were at an all-  other, and we are committed to the success  numb to the process. The sixth rejection  important to us: keeping God in the middle.
 time high in the US and seeping into our  of our marriage. Days of silence stemming  really took the wind out of my sails, like
 home. And I had just left my career of 20+  from not knowing how to talk about our  someone punched me in the gut.  Shortly after having “the talk”, we were
 years in the corporate world to be a stay-  feelings taught us that when one hurts, we  rejected once again. With tears streaming
 at-home wife. Needless to say, we were a  both hurt. Sobs in the shower and in each  Then I heard the words that no spouse  down my face and feeling very

 petri dish for conflict and division. But  another’s arms taught us that our marriage  wants to hear, “we need to talk”, followed  discouraged, I began asking God why this
 God!!! While we were trying to manage  is a safe place. We have not mastered the  by “we have some issues we need to work  has been such a struggle. It was one of
 the pressures from the outside, He was  art of communication yet, but we are  on”. Those words, firmly articulated by my  those soul-bearing, “God, help, I don’t know

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