Page 14 - Grace.SUMMER.2021
P. 14
what to do”, total surrender, type of prayers. different person, all for the sake of someone
Then He said, “Do you trust him?” “Of else. Webster defines sacrifice as an act of
course!”, I replied. Another question, “Do offering to a deity something precious.
you believe that he will make the decision Sacrificial love is an act of worship to God. He BE DONE
he feels is best for your family?” Ladies, sacrificed so much because He so loved me,
that’s when I lost it. Sobbing, I answered so that I can so love others. My prayer is that I
“Yes”, and everything changed within me. It am a conduit for God’s sacrificial love to flow
was not about getting my way or giving up through me, to my husband and to others.
something I wanted-it was about trusting My prayer is the same for you, sweet sister.
my husband. You see, my prayer has
always been for my husband to be the in love.
leader in our home, even before we met. I
did not realize I was not giving him the
opportunity. In that moment, I learned
what being a submissive wife is all about,
the way God intended it to be.
So, what is sacrificial love? When I think of
sacrificial love, I think about surrender.
Letting go of my grip long enough for God
to slip in and start working. Letting go of
my illusion of control. It is not about
“losing myself”, changing my personality,
setting my dreams aside, or becoming a 1 CORINTHIANS 16.14