Page 19 - Grace.SUMMER.2021
P. 19


 Hi Mom!  whilst simultaneously reading

         their bed�me story just so you
         could have one hour to yourself
 I see you trying to stay awake
 at that red light. Are you by  pursuing you. He will seek you  before bed. He is there, wai�ng,  experience His love in a tangible

 chance a mom of boys? I bet  out and He always gets His man.  wan�ng to love you into  way. I pray your understanding
 you no�ced that they like  His aim is perfect. He never  rela�onship with Him.  of His love goes beyond head-
 things to be exci�ng, fast  misses. You will forever be the         knowledge and it is established
 paced, and maybe just a bit  target of His love. You cannot  Love is not just one of His  in you.

 dangerous. I had one that was  escape the Love Sniper. He is  a�ributes, it’s who He is. He is
 a big war-history buff. From the  constantly hi�ng you with His  Love. And Love is pursuing you!  Where shall I go from Your
 age of 7 he would read  love and grace. He is working  You can’t mess this up. This love  Spirit? Or where shall I flee
 anything about WWII that he  over�me to destroy the lies of  is not dependent on you. He’s  from Your presence? If I ascend

 could get his hands on. Not  the enemy. He is blas�ng you  crazy about you! He loves you  to the heaven, You are there! If
 much about war synonymous  with an everlas�ng love and  so much that He gave up His  I make my bed in Sheol, you are
 to love in my mind, but God  breaking fear off of you. He  son to pursue you. He thinks  there! Ps. 139:7-8 (AMP)
 had a fun way of using it to get  takes pleasure in seeking you  you’re a good mom. He delights

 a point across to a boy who,  out and rejoices with each  in you and calms your fears  The Lord your God is in your
 over the years, has needed this  conquest.  with His love, He rejoices over  midst, a mighty one who will
 reminder of His love.  No ma�er what you do, no  you with joyful songs. He is fully  save; he will rejoice over you
 ma�er how much you mess up,  vested in you! He’s all in! He’s       with gladness; he will quiet you

 So, without further ado, let me  His love never stops. There is  commi�ed to your success. He’s  by his love; he will exult over
 be the first to present to you,  nothing you can do to deter it or  taken ownership of you. You are  you with loud singing.
 “God, The Love Sniper.” No  lessen it and it’s always Love  se�led on, established, chosen,  Zeph. 3:17 (ESV)
 ma�er who you are, where  Season!  and you belong. You are Loved!

 you go, what you do, the Love
 Sniper will find you. He is  Same goes for you, mom. He is  I hope that you feel His heart  Be blessed, Momma.
 relentless. He will never stop  not looking at the sink of dishes  toward you--that you
 or the pile of clothes. He                                          You are a blessing.

 doesn’t care that you fed the
 kids dinner in the bathtub,

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