Page 2 - Grace.SUMMER.2021
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On their way to church Linda demanded Tom to stop at the store to buy the Magazine
some candy before service. It was their first day as greeters. This shy
couple was getting out of their comfort zone to serve for the first time.
Tom did not want to be late. Linda was not letting go of the idea of
having something to offer while greeting, no matter how reasonable
Tom's arguments were. So, sure enough, they were five minutes late to
greet people, but they had lollipops in hand. IN THIS ISSSUE
I received one of those lollipops that day, and that lollipop was a turning
point in my life and represented some big changes that were ahead.
Walking through those church doors for the first time with my family, I
was really anxious about visiting a new church. However, I was John 15:12-13 6
desperate for a change. I still remember when Linda extended her hand,
offered me a lollipop and, with a trembling voice, welcomed me to
church. She probably never realized how that small gesture touched my
heart and the magnitude of the impact that token had in my life. Love is…Long Suffering 8
Because of that lollipop, I went back and for the first time in my life I
opened my heart to God’s grace. It was the beginning of having an Love that strengthens 10
eternal relationship with our Saviour.
That is what love does. It goes out of the way for others, even if it brings
discomfort. Sacrificial love was offered to me that day in the form of a Becoming one 12
sugary treat. It opened the door to have a deep encounter with God and
strengthen my relationship with Him. I wasn’t aware that day, but I was
in need of His sweet love and goodness in my life, and because of Tom Learning top love when it’s hard 16
and Linda’s detour on the way to church, I am here.
To all the Lindas out there, do not stop loving, even when you do not
reap the harvest. Just remember, you are loving because you were Raising arrows 18
loved first, and that makes you Christ-like.
In Him, Embrace grace 20
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