Page 6 - Grace.SUMMER.2021
P. 6

~ John 15:12 - 13

                                                                   Was it possible to love others as He loved me?                  Pointing out the other’s wrongs to continue             respect for each other grows.

        Is there a Love that is more than a feeling?               Was I capable of giving that same love so                       their fight.                                            Laughter replaces where complaining and

                                                                   freely?                                                                                                                 arguing once divided,

        Can love only give, never receiving?                                                                                       With bitterness and anger, the chasm grows              And soon the former enemies are friends once

        Is love a choice, and not an emotion?                      I then saw a mother love a wayward child,                       between the two,                                        again united.

        And can love not waver like waves in an ocean?             One she thought was lost to the wild.                           Not speaking or visiting, they forget the friend

                                                                   Nightly she prayed for him, kneeling by his empty               they knew.                                              I then saw it was possible to love without end,

        I once had a dream that God stood before me,               bedside,                                                        Then a fleeting memory of their past friendship         Requiring nothing from the other and

        I almost retreated, feeling filthy and unworthy.           Tears running down her face as the years passed                 comes to the mind of one,                               continuing to be a friend.

        But His eyes saw beyond my sin and my                      by outside.                                                     And slowly the anger begins to thaw, and the            Through disagreements and sorrow, betrayal

        shame,                                                                                                                     unforgiveness is undone.                                and loss,

        His love drew me closer, as He called out my               Her hope finally fading, she sees her front door                                                                        I could still be there for another, no matter the

        name.                                                      creak open,                                                     The friend decides to visit, not knowing what           cost.

                                                                   Her child stands before her, and no words are                   to say,

        He saw only who He had created, beautiful                  spoken.                                                         And discovers the other has been sick at home           Then a gentle Voice whispered quietly in my

        and perfected,                                             She just pulls him into her arms, and he sinks into             for many days.                                          ear,

        My faults and my sins were erased, undetected.             her embrace,                                                    Deciding to help, the friend stays and prepares         Lovingly telling me what I needed to hear,

        His love had no expectations or requirements to            And when she tells him he is loved, his pain is                 a meal,                                                 “As I have loved you, now you can love

        be earned,                                                 erased.                                                         And returns each day to provide care, until the         another without end,

        His love was all giving, asking nothing in                                                                                 other is healed.                                        For No greater love is there than this, than

        return.                                                    Then I saw two best friends suddenly disagree,                                                                          to lay down your life for a friend.”

         I then wanted others to have what I had                   Arguing over nothing, each friend becomes the                   As each day passes, each offense is slowly let

        received,                                                  enemy.                                                          go,

        A Love far greater than I ever believed.                   When one looks left, the other looks right,                     And gradually their friendship is mended as

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