Page 6 - MWC Values Booklet
P. 6
Growth Honesty
We have high standards and set We are committed to being open,
ambitious and strategic goals that trustworthy and transparent in our
drive our performance as an industry dealings with all stakeholders.
leader in our core business activities.
We encourage new ideas, new approaches and new technologies to We deliver accurate and timely information and are truthful in our
foster continuous improvement. dealings.
We are committed to delivering high quality, cost efficient and safe We work to manage the expectations of our various stakeholders.
operations. We strive to be transparent and open in our operations.
We offer training and professional development to help our We seek to be forthright and constructive in performance decisions.
employees succeed. We are earnest in seeking to identify and report all risks that could
We pursue strategic growth opportunities that add value for our jeopardize our operations.
customers, shareholders and employees.