Page 3 - Palms-Australia-Annual-Report-2019
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Marea Nicholson
A key focus of the past twelve I acknowledge the outstanding
months has been delivering on the contribution of Roger O’Halloran,
Executive Director, Christine O’Halloran,
five-year Sustainability Plan, while
Rachel Donovan, Kevin Wilson, Cassandra
addressing significant governance
Falson, Teranun Charoensri and Robert
and accountability requirements.
Reynolds, to the development, promotion
and delivery of the various components
Our Sustainability Plan proposes that by of our programs, in particular the
2023-24, Palms Australia is an economically preparation, placement and support of
sustainable provider of preparation for our volunteers.
cross-cultural engagement, particularly for
those who volunteer to assist community My appreciation is also extended to our
organisations seeking to build on the other dedicated directors, Bishop Vincent
strengths of their people and processes Long, Jane Woolford, Alex Varley, Antony
to achieve sustainable poverty reduction. Faa and Peter Smyth. Their commitment
to the Palms Australia vision, their
The Board has focused on establishing a encouragement and support for Palms
regular reporting system for Finance, staff, as well as their discernment of the
Program and Placements, and Marketing challenging contextual issues is critical
and Communications to assist in monitoring to ensuring Palms Australia’s
progress and discerning necessary sustainability.
adjustments to the Plan.
This year’s report will once again provide
Our Finance and Risk Strategy, chaired by inspiring examples of the many ways our
Kristina Gunawan, monitors financial reports volunteers assist diverse communities to
and potential risks, ensuring that the use of build on strengths in mutually respectful
Palms Australia’s resources is consistent in encounters, and work toward shared
practice with ethical, social and goals to enhance capacity to achieve
environmental codes of conduct. sustainable poverty reduction.
Board Directors and staff are ever mindful Importantly, it is an opportunity to
of their responsibility for the stewardship celebrate the outstanding achievements
of the limited, and much needed, Palms of our staff, volunteers, partners and
financial resources and the significant communities.
demands placed on our staff and
volunteers. Marea Nicholson
Palms Australia