Page 5 - Palms-Australia-Annual-Report-2019
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We also achieved income growth We have mapped budgetary projections
beyond budget projections in FY 2018-19, across all line items for each of the next
but analysis of underlying trends makes five years. I encourage members to ask for
it clear that to sustain 50 people on a copy. It is expected that there will be at
assignment beyond FY 2023-24 requires least a six month lag between employing a
devoting capacity now to fundraising. fundraiser and increasing income, and not
every line of income will increase by the
Future Investment arbitrary 20% figure nominated at one of
the initial planning meetings in 2017.
While it is understood in business that
one has to invest to grow, it is sometimes Our targets are ambitious and stretching,
considered imprudent for charities to and not without risk, but we have made
show large deficits on annual profit and a sound identification of the potential new
loss (P&L) statements. I need to advise investors and the right person in the
that the effect of employing Palms first fundraising position will provide the
dedicated fundraiser in the coming year capacity we need to have them appreciate
will be a further increase in that deficit. the value of Palms model of international
development. The alternative is not
To avoid weak knees on this it is attempting to grow, but simply spreading
important to remember two things: the legacy over the longer term. The funds
could be spent maintaining 15 assignments
1. Injections of income the size of our per annum for maybe 10-12 years and
2017 legacy gave us a monstrous P&L hoping for another sizable legacy in
surplus in that year, but we cannot rely that period to avoid winding up in
on similar to happen again. The income around 2028-29.
growth required to achieve our plan of
a break-even P&L with 50 volunteers on Palms Vision and Mission is being achieved
assignment in 2023-24 is unlikely to be daily because of the values and approach
achieved without investment in we take to mutual human development in
fundraising capacity in the intervening the remote grass roots communities of the
years. world and at home. Growing and sustaining
2. Continuing to invest is projected to our vision requires that we give opportunity
produce a greater surplus on the 2024- to more Australians to appreciate the value
25 balance sheet (756,742) than we of investing in it.
had three years ago ($721,334), but
gives us 50 volunteers on assignment
instead of 20. Long-term vision is
required, rather than fear of short-term Roger O'Halloran
budget deficits, if we are to avoid
Executive Director
depleting funds before we get to our
Palms Australia