Page 9 - Palms-Australia-Annual-Report-2019
P. 9

Leave a bequest

                                                                                                                    Bequests are a unique experience of giving.

                                                                                             They allow you to make the kind of gifts which might be

                                                                                         desirable, but impossible to give during your lifetime. Your

                                                                                    passing can plant some seeds of hope for those in greatest

                                                                              need. As the ultimate expression of generosity your bequest will

                                                                                play an important role in the work of Palms Australia. The spirit

                                                                                  and commitment of this support will continue to live on in the

                                                                              lives of requesting communities through the presence of Palms

                                                                                                                            workers sharing their skills and goodwill.

                                                                                      Leaving a legacy is not a matter of choosing between your

                                                                                        family and a good cause. You can provide for both, giving

                                                                                          security for your family and building a more just world by

                                                                                                                                   supporting an overseas community.

                                                                                To make a bequest to Palms Australia or for more information,

                                                                                            contact Roger on 02 9560 5333 or
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