Page 12 - Palms-Australia-Annual-Report-2019
P. 12

|  Annual Report 18/19

                          MARKET  ANALYSIS :


                          In May 2019 Palms Australia conducted a                                                               The factor that would most likely influence

                          nationwide survey of teachers currently                                                               a respondent's decision to work abroad was

                          working in Australian Catholic schools.                                                               their family and personal situation (77%).

                          Over half of teachers in Australian Catholic                                                          This is not surprising considering the age of

                          schools have considered sharing their skills in                                                       those participating in this survey. They are in

                          communities abroad and almost a quarter                                                               an age group where most are either raising a

                          would volunteer for 12 months or more.                                                                family, supporting children through school or

                                                                                                                                university, or are aware of securing their
                          Respondents                                                                                           personal and financial situation ahead

                                                                                                                                of retirement.

                          486 teachers from 17 Dioceses participated

                          in the survey. Most (68%) were employed on                                                            Interestingly, age was a concern for several

                          a permanent full-time basis. Over half                                                                teachers who offered additional information.

                          (52%) were aged 45-64 years old. The                                                                  Some believed they were too old to volunteer.

                          Dioceses with the highest response rates                                                              This is one misunderstanding that our future

                          were Perth (133) and Parramatta (132).                                                                promotions to teachers can address.

                                                                                                                                Awareness of Palms Australia

                          The primary motivation for most teachers                                                              This survey follows a 2018 promotional

                          is to put their faith into action (31%)                                                               campaign across Australian Catholic schools

                          followed by a desire to contribute to global                                                          in which teachers were introduced to Palms

                          development (23%). Very few teachers saw                                                              through print materials distributed directly to

                          serving a community in need as a means to                                                             schools. When asked which international aid

                          explore career opportunities (2.5%) though                                                            agencies they had heard of, 30% identified

                          some believed the experience could help                                                               Palms Australia. Awareness of Palms was on

                          them grow professionally (9%).                                                                        par with the Australian Volunteers program

                                                                                                                                (33%) and the United Nations Volunteer
                          Barriers                                                                                              program (34%). The best known organisation

                                                                                                                                was Teachers Across Borders, a small

                          Career progression was similarly not a                                                                Australian organisation connecting teachers

                          priority when considering potential barriers                                                          to short-term projects in Cambodia.

                          to working abroad. Only 30% of respondents

                          indicated career opportunities would be                                                               Few teachers had recalled seeing Palms

                          'highly likely' to influence their decision to                                                        Australia materials in their school in the

                          volunteer. Health, security concerns, and                                                             past 12 months. However, 12% had seen

                          financial situation were far more influential.                                                        Palms Australia on social media.
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