Page 2 - Vedanta Sandesh_Aug 2020
P. 2

Cover Page

                              The cover page of  the Aug 2020 issue of  Vedanta Sandesh is regarding
                       the birth of  Lord Krishna - in the jail, when he gave darshan to his parents.
                              Sri Krishna Janmashtami is one the most celebrated festival of  India

                       and specially the Hindus. This year it has gained special significaance when
                       finally the foundation stone of  the Sri Ram Mandir is being laid by the
                       Prime Minister of  the country - after all the legal hurdles were satisfactorily
                       resolved and sorted out. Both Bhagwan Sri Ram and Bhagwan Sri Krishna are
                       the incarnations of  Bhagwan Vishnu. Both of  them inspire the Hindus in a

                       very profound way.
                              We dedicate this issue  to Lord Krishna. May his Bhagwad  Gita
                       enlighten and inspire the people of  the world to live a dynamically positive &

                       noble life for the well being of  all. Jai Sri Krishna.

                                                       Om Tat Sat

    Vedanta Sandesh

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