Page 3 - Vedanta Sandesh_Aug 2020
P. 3


                                           Vedanta Sandesh

                                                              Aug 2020

                                       1.        Shloka                                           5

                                       2.        Message of P. Guruji                             7-8

                                       3.        Sadhana Panchakam                                9-12

                                       4.        Letter                                           13-14

                                       5.        Gita Reflections                                 15-19

                                       6.        The Art of Man Making                            20-24

                                       7.        Jivanmukta                                       25-28

                                       8.        Story Section                                    29-33

                                       9.        Mission / Ashram News                            34-55

                                     10.         Internet News                                    56

                                     11.         Forthcoming Progs                                57

    Vedanta Sandesh                  12.         Links                                            58

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