Page 28 - PPL-engelsk 2025
P. 28
Air Law
1.3.4 Flight preparation
Before starting a flight, the aircraft commander must ensure that the facilities
on land and/or water necessary for the safe conduct of the flight, including
radio and navigation equipment, are available and sufficient. Passenger briefing
The aircraft commander must ensure that crew members and passengers are
informed about the location and use of:
1. Seatbelts and any shoulder harnesses
2. Life vests
3. Emergency equipment and exits
4. Hand luggage and electronic devices, including mobile phones
5. Oxygen equipment
6. Safety instructions on board / emergency procedures
7. The right-hand pilot seat: If a passenger is seated in this position, the
passenger must be informed before the flight that touching the aircraft's
instruments and controls is prohibited during the flight and instructed on
how to open a door if located next to the right-hand pilot seat.
8. Information about search and rescue (SAR) for the areas to be flown, if
published in the relevant AIPs. Equipment
Before the flight begins, the aircraft commander must also ensure:
- That installed instruments and equipment in the aircraft are operational
and meet the requirements for the intended flight.
- That weight and balance are within the permitted limits as specified in the
aircraft’s flight manual, and that the load is placed and secured in such a
way that the aircraft is not endangered during the flight.
- That the aircraft's wing and tail surfaces, as well as control surfaces, are free
frost, snow, and ice.
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 28