Page 44 - engelsk
P. 44
Air Law If you taxi incorrectly on an airfield
If you enter a runway without permission, you must immediately notify the air
traffic service unit of the situation
and, if a suitable taxiway can be located, leave the runway as quickly as
possible, unless other instructions are received,
and then stop the aircraft.
If you are on a taxiway and do not know your position, you must stop
and notify the air traffic service unit of the situation, including the last known
position. Light showing
The illustration shows navigation lights on an aircraft.
A green light is mounted on the right wing.
A red light is mounted on the left wing.
The lights are designed to be visible within the
indicated areas. The side angles are 110 degrees.
At the rear, a white light is mounted. It illuminates an area of 70 degrees to
each side of the extended longitudinal axis (= 140 degrees in total).
When overtaking, the aircraft is within the white light area.
Navigation lights must be used from sunset to sunrise (local times).
Anti-collision lights are red or white
rotating beacons or strobe beacons.
If such lights are installed and functioning,
they must be turned on during the day.
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 44