Page 39 - engelsk
P. 39
Air Law Aircraft on converging courses
When two aircraft are at the same or
approximately the same altitude and are on
converging courses, the aircraft with the
other on its right side must give way.
The right of way is given by turning to the
right and flying behind the other aircraft.
The following exceptions apply to this rule:
- Powered aircraft, which are heavier
than air, must give way to airships,
gliders, kite aircraft, and balloons.
- Airships must give way to gliders, kite
aircraft, and balloons.
- Gliders and kite aircraft must give way to balloons.
- Powered aircraft must give way to aircraft seen towing other aircraft or
When determining right of way, a motorized glider is considered a powered
aircraft when the engine is running. Overtaking aircraft
An overtaking aircraft
has the right of way and
must, whether climbing,
descending, or flying
horizontally, keep clear
of the overtaken aircraft
by turning to the right.
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 39